신착도서 - 1999년 12월

서 명
저 자
1 99.12.6 515.723 B639l Laplace & z-transforms W. Bolton Longman 1994
2 99.12.6 537.092 Y28f From obscurity to enigma I. Yavetz Birkhauser 1995
3 99.12.6 515.353 G16p 1998 Partial differential equations P.R. Garabedian AMS Chelsea 1998
4 99.12.6 515 B413p A primer of infinitesimal analysis J.L. Bell Cambridge U P 1998
5 99.12.6 515 Al46p2 Problems in real analysis C.D. Aliprantis, O. Burkinshaw Academic P 1999
6 99.12.6 515.42 V766a Advanced integration theory C. Constaninescu … Kluwer 1998
7 99.12.6 515.353 T174rEg c.2 The analysis of solutions of elliptic equations N.N. Tarkhanov Kluwer 1997
8 99.12.6 652.8 Si65e c.2 Elementary cryptanalysis A. Sinkov Cambridge U P 1966
9 99.12.6 515.9 N689g Geometric complex analysis J. Noguchi …(eds) World Sci. 1996
10 99.12.6 530.12 St32h Hilbert spaces, wavelets, generalized functions and modern quantum mechanics W.-H. Steeb Kluwer 1998
11 99.12.6 515.5 An26s Special functions G.E. Andrews … Cambridge U P 1999
12 99.12.6 507.1 M475w Writing in the teaching and learning of mathematics J. Meier, T. Rishel MAA 1998
13 99.12.17 519.40285 R247m The MATLAB 5 handbook D. Redfern, C. Campbell Springer-Verlag 1998
14 99.12.17 510 R735p Prospects in mathematics H. Rossi (ed) AMS 1999
15 99.12.17 515.55 V711r Representationof Lie groups and special functions N. J. Vilenkin, A.U. Klimyk Kluwer 1995
16 99.12.17 510.711 K863h2 How to teach mathematics. 2nd ed. S.G. Krantz AMS 1999
17 99.12.17 515.353 Oc4a Applied partial differential equations J. Ockendon … Oxford 1999
18 99.12.17 510.285 St87d Discovering mathematics with Maple R.J. Stroeker, J.F. Kaashoek Birkhauser 1999
19 99.11.19 510.8 Un3 v.15 Iwahori-Hecke algebras and Schur algebras of the symmetric group A. Mathas AMS 1999
20 99.12.13 510.8 Am35a v.56 Analyzing multiscale phenomena using singular perturbation methods J. Cronin, R.E. O'Malley, Jr. (eds.) AMS 1999
21 99.12.13 510.8 L846 v.268 Spectral asymptotics in the semi-classical limit M. Dimassi, J. Sjostrand Cambridge U P 1999
22 99.12.21 530.11 D879s Symmetries of spacetimes and Riemannian manifolds K.L. Duggal, R. Sharma Kluwer 1999
23 99.12.21 510.8 C767 v.243 Algebra, k-theory, groups, and education T.Y. Lam, A.R. Magid (eds.) AMS 1999
24 99.12.21 510.8 F46 v.23 Topics in mathematical economics and game theory M.H. Wooders (ed.) AMS 1999

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