2010 8 신착도서

2010-08-10 003 B853i2  Introduction to Cryptography Buchmann, Johannes.  Springer
2010-08-10 003 B853i2 c.1 Introduction to Cryptography, 2nd Ed Buchmann, Johannes.  Springer
2010-08-10 003.54 H194c2 Coding Theory and Cryptography Hankerson, Darrel R.  Marcel Dekker
2010-08-10 005.1 K786ab v.4 (0) The Art of Computer Programming,
Volume 4, Fascicle 0
Knuth, Donald Ervin Upper Saddle River
2010-08-10 005.1 K786ab v.4 (1) The Art of Computer Programming,
Volume 4, Fascicle 1
Knuth, Donald Ervin Upper Saddle River
2010-08-10 005.1 K786ab v.4 (2) The Art of Computer Programming,
Volume 4, Fascicle 2
Knuth, Donald Ervin Upper Saddle River
2010-08-10 005.1 K786ab v.4 (3) The Art of Computer Programming,
Volume 4, Fascicle 3
Knuth, Donald Ervin Upper Saddle River
2010-08-10 005.1 K786ab v.4 (4) The Art of Computer Programming Vol.4 Knuth, Donald Ervin Upper Saddle River
2010-08-10 005.8 A375c Contemporary Cryptology Catalano, Dario.  Birkhauser
2010-08-10 005.8 C79f Cryptographic Algorithms
on Reconfigurable Hardware 
Rodriquez-Henriquez, Francisco.  Springer
2010-08-10 005.8 D32d The Design of Rijndael  Daemen, Joan Springer
2010-08-10 005.82 M32m Modern Cryptography -Theory&Practice Mao, Wenbo.   Prentice Hall PTR
2010-08-10 005.82 M524e Elliptic Curve Public
Key Cryptosystems
Menezes, A. J.  Kluwer Academic Publishers
2010-08-10 510 T159s 2008 Structure and Randomness
:pages from year one of a
mathematical blog
Tao, Terence American Mathematical Society
2010-08-10 510.8 Ad26 v.20 Finite Fields Lidl, Rudolf.  Cambridge
2010-08-10 510.8 C767 v.476 Fourth Summer School in Analysis and Mathematical Physics  Villegas-Blas, Carlos AMS
2010-08-10 510.8 C767 v.480 Rings, modules, and representations  Faith, Carl Clifton AMS
2010-08-10 510.8 G755a v.111 Ricci flow and the sphere theorem Simon Brendle AMS
2010-08-10 510.8 M42s no.104 c.2 Recurrence sequences Everest, Graham AMS
2010-08-10 510.9 H629 v.34 Pioneering women in American mathematics  Green, Judy AMS
2010-08-10 512.3 L619i2 Introduction to finite fields
and their applications
Lidl, Rudolf.
2010-08-10 512.74 S2513a Algebraic thoery of numbers Samuel, Pierre Mineola, N.Y.
2010-08-10 518.1 M698p Probability and Computing
:Randomized Algorithms
and probabilistic analysis
Mitzenmacher, Michael Cambridge