공지 |
65 |
Algebraic Geometry
2023.02.14. QSMS E-book No.1
64 |
The Grassmannian Variety : Geometric and Representation-Theoretic Aspects
63 |
Algorithms and Complexity in Mathematics, Epistemology, and Science : Proceedings of 2015 and 2016 ACMES Conferences
2021.03.24. QSMS E-book No.42
62 |
Nonlinear Dispersive Partial Differential Equations and Inverse Scattering
2021.03.24. QSMS E-book No.43
61 |
Biostatistics in Public Health Using STATA
60 |
Big Data Analysis for Bioinformatics and Biomedical Discoveries
59 |
Fractional Calculus View of Complexity : Tomorrow’s Science
58 |
A Concise Introduction to Statistical Inference
57 |
Data Analysis for the Life Sciences with R
56 |
Matrix Inequalities for Iterative Systems
Recent Developments on Introducing a Historical Dimension in Mathematics Education
54 |
Undergraduate Mathematics for the Life Sciences: Models, Processes, and Directions
53 |
Six Sources of Collapse: A Mathematician's Perspective on How Things Can Fall Apart in the Blink of an Eye
52 |
An Easy Path to Convex Analysis and Applications
51 |
Introduction to Real Analysis
2021.03.24. QSMS E-book No.6
50 |
Intersection Homology & Perverse Sheaves : With Applications to Singularities
2021.03.24. QSMS E-book No.7
49 |
Foundations of Hyperbolic Manifolds
2021.03.24. QSMS E-book No.4
48 |
Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2019 : 25th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Kobe, Japan, December 8–12, 2019, Proceedings, Part II
2022.07.01. IMDARC E-book No.3
47 |
Basic Representation Theory of Algebras
2021.03.24. QSMS E-book No.8
46 |
Spectral Theory : Basic Concepts and Applications
2021.03.24. QSMS E-book No.9