공지 |
45 |
Orthogonal Polynomials in the Spectral Analysis of Markov Processes
2023.02.14. QSMS E-book No.32
44 |
Lectures on Kähler Geometry
43 |
High Accuracy Computing Methods: Fluid Flows and Wave Phenomena
42 |
A First Course of Homological Algebra
41 |
Advances in Mathematical Modeling, Optimization and Optimal Control
40 |
Cox Rings
39 |
Stochastic Geometry and Its Applications, 3rd ed.
38 |
Applications of Regression Models in Epidemiology
37 |
Prime Numbers and the Riemann Hypothesis
The Elements of Cantor Sets : with applications
35 |
Handbook of Teichmüller Theory, Volume VII
34 |
Elementary Geometry of Differentiable Curves: An Undergraduate Introduction
33 |
Icons of Mathematics: An Exploration of Twenty Key Images
32 |
Fourier Analysis on Groups
31 |
Flag Varieties : An Interplay of Geometry, Combinatorics, and Representation Theory
30 |
Introduction to Banach Algebras, Operators, and Harmonic Analysis
29 |
Foundations of Cryptography Volume 1
28 |
Six Sources of Collapse: A Mathematician's Perspective on How Things Can Fall Apart in the Blink of an Eye
27 |
Advanced Topics in Linear Algebra
26 |
Algebraic Number Theory