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285 |
$p$-Adic Analysis, Arithmetic and Singularities
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Lie Algebras of Finite and Affine Type
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Carter |
Cambridge University Press |
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Six Sources of Collapse: A Mathematician's Perspective on How Things Can Fall Apart in the Blink of an Eye
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Charles R. Hadlock |
Mathematical Association of America |
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Advanced Statistical Methods in Data Science
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Chen, Ding-Geng ; Chen, Jiahua ; Lu, Xuewen ; Yi, Grace ; Yu, Hao |
Springer |
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Microlocal Analysis of Quantum Fields on Curved Spacetimes
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Christian Gérard |
European Mathematical Society Publishing House, Zuerich, Switzerland |
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Coarse Geometry of Topological Groups
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Cambridge University Press |
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The Shock Development Problem
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Christodoulou, Demetrios |
European Mathematical Society Publishing House |
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Introduction to Real Analysis
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Springer |
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Classification of Complex Algebraic Surfaces
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European Mathematical Society Publishing House, Zuerich, Switzerland |
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Icons of Mathematics: An Exploration of Twenty Key Images
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Introduction to Banach Algebras, Operators, and Harmonic Analysis
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Complex Analysis and Spectral Theory : A Conference in Celebration of Thomas Ransford's 60th Birthday: May 21-25, 2018, Laval University, Quebec, Canada
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