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공지 이용방법 file
284 Elementary Geometry of Algebraic Curves: An Undergraduate Introduction file
283 Elementary Geometry of Differentiable Curves: An Undergraduate Introduction file
282 Cox Rings file
281 Applied Algebra and Number Theory file
280 Surveys in Combinatorics 2015 file
279 Prime Numbers and the Riemann Hypothesis file
278 Icons of Mathematics: An Exploration of Twenty Key Images file
277 Recent Developments on Introducing a Historical Dimension in Mathematics Education file
276 Undergraduate Mathematics for the Life Sciences: Models, Processes, and Directions file
275 Six Sources of Collapse: A Mathematician's Perspective on How Things Can Fall Apart in the Blink of an Eye file
274 Cluster Analysis, 5th ed. file
273 Advanced Topics in Linear Algebra file
272 Linear Regression Analysis, 2nd ed. file
271 Probability, Statistics, and Stochastic Processes, 2nd ed. file
270 The Mathematics of Infinity : a guide to great ideas, 2nd ed. file
269 Causality : statistical perspectives and applications file
268 Bayesian Estimation and Tracking file
267 Statistical Inference : a short course file
266 Bayesian Statistics : an introduction, 4th ed. file

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