공지 |
265 |
Advanced Statistical Methods in Data Science
264 |
Lie Algebras of Finite and Affine Type
An Introduction to Hilbert Space
262 |
Geometric Analysis
261 |
Cluster Analysis, 5th ed.
260 |
Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2021 : 41st Annual International Cryptology Conference, CRYPTO 2021, Virtual Event, August 16–20, 2021, Proceedings, Part II
2022.07.01. IMDARC E-book No.1
259 |
Undergraduate Mathematics for the Life Sciences: Models, Processes, and Directions
258 |
Topological and Ergodic Theory of Symbolic Dynamics
2023.02.14. QSMS E-book No.24
257 |
Mathematical Formulas for Industrial and Mechanical Engineering
256 |
Causality : statistical perspectives and applications
255 |
An Introduction to Statistical Computing
254 |
Geometry from a Differentiable Viewpoint, 2nd ed.
253 |
Markov Processes for Stochastic Modeling, 2nd ed.
252 |
A Voyage Through Turbulence
251 |
Conformal Blocks, Generalized Theta Functions and the Verlinde Formula
2023.02.14. QSMS E-book No.31
250 |
A Concise Introduction to Statistical Inference
249 |
Bayesian Estimation and Tracking
248 |
Methods of Multivariate Analysis, 3rd ed.
247 |
Mathematical Modeling in Continuum Mechanics
246 |
Algorithmic Algebraic Number Theory