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공지 이용방법 file
245 Statistical Inference : a short course file
244 Bayesian Statistics : an introduction, 4th ed. file
243 Methods of Multivariate Analysis, 3rd ed. file
242 Model Building in Mathematical Programming, 5th ed. file
241 The Elements of Cantor Sets : with applications file
240 Computational Statistics, 2nd ed. file
239 Introductory Biostatistics, Second edition file
238 Introduction to Stochastic Analysis : integrals and differential equations file
237 Introduction to Combinatorics, 2nd ed. file
236 Stochastic Geometry and Its Applications, 3rd ed. file
235 An Introduction to Statistical Computing file
234 Probability and Random Processes file
233 Matrix Analysis for Statistics, Third edition file
232 Applications of Regression Models in Epidemiology file
231 Causality : statistical perspectives and applications file
230 Convex Bodies: The Brunn–Minkowski Theory, 2nd ed. file
229 Mathematics of Public Key Cryptography
228 The Influence of Computers and Informatics on Mathematics and its Teaching file
227 A Voyage Through Turbulence file
2021.03.24. QSMS E-book No.129  

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