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165 |
Amenability of Discrete Groups by Examples
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An Invitation to Unbounded Representations of ∗-Algebras on Hilbert Space
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Konrad Schmüdgen |
Springer |
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The Distribution of Prime Numbers
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An Introduction to the Representation Theory of Groups
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American Mathematical Society |
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Cambridge University Press |
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Probability and Random Processes
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Krishnan, Venkatarama |
Wiley |
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Functional Analysis and Geometry : Selim Grigorievich Krein Centennial
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Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics, and Applications : Selim Grigorievich Krein Centennial
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Crop Breeding : Bioinformatics and Preparing for Climate Change
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Kumar, Santosh |
Apple Academic Press |
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Flag Varieties : An Interplay of Geometry, Combinatorics, and Representation Theory
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Intersection Homology & Perverse Sheaves : With Applications to Singularities
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Springer |
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Introductory Biostatistics, Second edition
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Le, Chap T. ; Eberly, Lynn E. |
Wiley |
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Geometric Relativity
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Bayesian Statistics : an introduction, 4th ed.
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Topological Persistence in Geometry and Analysis
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Moduli Spaces
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Cambridge University Press |
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Geometric Analysis
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Cambridge University Press |
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Hopf Algebras and Galois Module Theory
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Stochastic Stability of Differential Equations in Abstract Spaces
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Cambridge University Press |
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Topological Theory of Graphs, DG edition
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De Gruyter |
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