신착도서 - 1999년 1월

서 명
저 자
1 99.1.7 전산도서 MCSE: TCP/IP for NT Server 4 Study Guide(2nd ed.) T.Lammle et al. SYBEX 1998
2 99.1.7 전산도서 Visual C++ Programming Bible Ver. 6.X 이상엽 영진출판 1998
4 99.1.7 전산도서 Client/Server Data Access with Java and XML D.Chang, D.Harkey Wiley 1998
5 99.1.7 전산도서 MCSE Internet Information Server 4.0 Study Guide   Osborne McGraw-Hill 1998
6 99.1.7 전산도서 Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 Sourcebook M.Petrovsky Wiley 1998
7 99.1.7 전산도서 Presenting XML R.Light Sams 1997
8 99.1.7 전산도서 Learning the bash Shell(2nd ed.) C.Newham, B.Rosenblatt O'Reilly 1998
9 99.1.7 전산도서 Visual Basic Programming Bible 6.X 주경민 외 영진출판 1998
10 99.1.7 전산도서 한글 Microsoft Windows 98 Resource Kit Microsoft corp. O'Reilly 1998
11 99.1.7 전산도서 Inside Direct X B.Bargen, P.Donnelly Microsoft 1998
12 99.1.7 전산도서 MCSE Training Guide(Window NT Server 4 Enterprise) W.Dalton et al. KMK 1998
13 99.1.7 전산도서 MCSE Training Guide(Window NT Server 4) W.Dalton et al. KMK 1998
14 99.1.7 전산도서 Inside Secrets Delphi 4 M.Cantus 삼각형 1999
15 99.1.7 전산도서 MCSE Training Guide Windows NT Workstation 4 E.Dunigan, A.Guibault KMK 1997
16 99.1.7 전산도서 이것이 JAVA 1.2 J.Zukowski 삼각형 1999
17 99.1.7 전산도서 A Beginner's Guide Oracle 오라클 입문서 E.Dunigan et al KMK 1998
18 99.1.12 512.7.I2 A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory(2nd ed.) K.Ireland, M.Rosen Springer 1990
19 99.1.12 515.353.T21 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations A.Tveito, R.Winther Springer 1998
20 99.1.12 S515.353.C40 Monge Ampere Equation: Applications to Geometry and Optimization L.A.Caffarelli, M.Milman(ed) AMS 1999
21 99.1.12 S514.24.M3 Higher Homotopy Structures in Topology and Mathematical Physics J.McCleary (ed) AMS 1998
22 99.1.12 514.2.A8 Categorical Topology J.Adamek, S.MacLane World Sci. 1989
23 99.1.12 S516.362.G7 The Real Fatou Conjecture J.Graczyk, G.Swiatek Princeton U P 1998
24 99.1.12 S629.8.F1 Differential Geometry and Control G.Ferreyra et al. (ed) AMS 1999
25 99.1.12 S515.35.G7 Differential Equations: La Pietra 1996 M.Giaquinta et al (ed) AMS 1999
26 99.1.12 515.1.W5 Mathematical Analysis Explained N.A.Watson World Sci. 1993
27 99.1.12 참고도서 Combined Membership List 1998-1999 AMS AMS 1998
28 99.1.22 514.224.A3c1 K-Theory M.Atiyah Benjamin 1967
29 99.1.22 514.3.A3c1 Manifold, Tensor, Analysis and Applications R.Abraham Addison-Wesley 1983
30 99.1.22 S514.7.M3c4 Singular points of complex hypersurfaces J.Milnor Princeton U P 1968
31 99.1.22 S514.7.M3c5 Singular points of complex hypersurfaces J.Milnor Princeton U P 1968
32 99.1.22 514.2.G1c4 Lectures on Algebraic Topology M.Greenberg Benjamin 1967
33 99.1.22 514.2.E3c1 Foundations of Algebraic Topology Eilenberg Princeton U P 1952
34 99.1.22 514.2.G2c2 Theorie des faisceaux Godement Herman 1958
35 99.1.22 514.224.S5c3 The Topology of Fibre Bundles Steenrod Princeton U P 1951
36 99.1.22 514.322.S1c1 Introduction to topology and modern analysis Simmons McGraw-Hill 1963
37 99.1.22 514.224.H4c6 Fibre Bundles Husemoller McGraw-Hill 1966
38 99.1.22 515.D10c1 Foundations of Modern Analysis Dieudonne Academic P 1960
39 99.1.22 515.92.C1c4 Complex variables and applications R.V.Churchill McGraw-Hill 1974
40 99.1.22 515.2.C2c2 Theory of Lie Groups I C.Chevalley Princeton U P 1946
41 99.1.22 S515.94.C3c2 Entire Holomorphic Mappings in one and several complex variables P.A.Griffiths Princeton U P 1976
42 99.1.22 515.42.H1c1 Measure Theory Halmos Nostrand 1950
43 99.1.22 516.35.W4c1 Algebraic Curves Walker Princeton U P 1950
44 99.1.22 516.353.L5c1 Algebraic Geometry Lefschetz Princeton U P 1953
45 99.1.22 516.353.M2c1 Cubic forms Manin North-Holland 1974
46 99.1.22 516.3602.W1c1 Varietes Kahleriennes A.Weil Hermann 1958
47 99.1.22 516.3604.N1c2 Lie Groups and Differential Geometry K.Nomizu Herald 1956
48 99.1.22 516.35.L2c1 Introduction to algebraic geometry S.Lang Interscience 1958
49 99.1.22 516.35.H2c2 Topological methods in algebraic geometry Hirzeburch Springer 1966
50 99.1.22 515.2.K1c3 Problem book in the theory of functions II K.Knopp Dover 1952
51 99.1.22 515.353.B8c2 Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems Boyce Wiley 1969
52 99.1.22 S512.7.W4c1 Algebraic Theory of Numbers H.Weyl Princeton U P 1940
53 99.1.22 S512.7.W4c2 Algebraic Theory of Numbers H.Weyl Princeton U P 1940
54 99.1.22 515.43.W1c2 L'Integration Dans Les Groups Topologiques et ses Applications A.Weil Hermann 1951
55 99.1.22 515.1.S7c3 Calculus on Manifolds Spivak Benjamin 1965
56 99.1.22 515.353.B8c1 Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems Boyce Wiley 1969
57 99.1.22 515.15.T1c1 Calulus and Analytic Geometry Thomas Addison-Wesley 1953
58 99.1.22 515.93.A1c2 Complex Analysis L.V.Ahlfors McGraw-Hill 1953
59 99.1.22 515.353.F17c1 Differential Equations A.R.Forsyth Cambridge 1928
60 99.1.22 515.1.M4c2 Topological Transformation Groups D.Montgomery Interscience  
61 99.1.22 515.43.M5c1 Integration McShane Princeton U P 1947
62 99.1.22 512.22.D3c5 Problems in Group Theory Dixon Blaisdell 1967
63 99.1.22 512.4.A2c1 Rings with minimum condition E.Artin U Michigan P 1944
64 99.1.22 512.7.N2c1 An Introduction to the theory of numbers I.Niven Wiley 1980
65 99.1.22 512.02.J7c1 Lectures in abstract algebra Jacobson Nostrand 1953
66 99.1.22 512.22.H1c1 The Theory of Groups Hall Macmillan 1959
67 99.1.22 512.5.L6c2 Linear Algebra S.Lang Addison-Wesley 1966
68 99.1.22 512.55.C1c1 Homological Algebra H.Cartan Princeton U P 1956
69 99.1.22 512.02.M7c1 Algebra S.MacLane Macmillan 1967
70 99.1.22 514.24.H6c1 An Introduction to Homology Theory P.J.Hilton Cambridge 1953
71 99.1.22 516.3604.H2c3 Notes on Differential Geometry N.J.Hicks Nostrand 1965
72 99.1.22 516.353.L1c1 Abelian Varieties S.Lang Interscience 1959
73 99.1.22 516.5.V1c1 Projective Geometry I Veblen Ginn 1910
74 99.1.22 516.352.F1c2 Algebraic Curves W.Fulton Benjamin 1969
75 99.1.22 519.B1c1 Mathematical Methods in the Physical Science Boas Wiley 1966
76 99.1.22 515.D10c2 Foundations of Modern Analysis Dieudonne Academic P 1960
77 99.1.22 512.22.Z1c2 The Theory of Groups Zassenhaus Chelsea 1958
78 99.1.22 512.22.D1c2 Introduction to the theory of formal groups J.Dieudonne Dekker 1973
79 99.1.22 512.L1c4 Algebra S.Lang Addison-Wesley 1965
80 99.1.22 512.02.J10c2 Basic Algebra I Jacobson Freeman 1974
81 99.1.22 S512.24.K1c1 Commutative Algebra J.T.Knight Cambridge 1971
82 99.1.22 512.24.J1c2 Lie Algebras Jacobson Interscience 1962
83 99.1.22 512.55.R2c3 An Introduction to Homological Algebra J.J.Rotman Academic P 1979
84 99.1.22 512.5.S4c1 Linear algebra and its applications G.Strang Academic P 1976
85 99.1.22 512.4.G4c1 Ring Theory Gordon Academic P 1972
86 99.1.22 512.02.H1c2 Elements of Modern Algebra Hu Holden-Day 1965
87 99.1.22 512.32.A1c1 Galois Theory E.Artin U Notre Dame 1955
88 99.1.22 512.32.A1c2 Galois Theory E.Artin U Notre Dame 1953
89 99.1.22 512.4.L1c1 Lectures on Rings and Modules Lambek Blaisdell 1966
90 99.1.22 512.4.M4c1 Geomeric algebra over local rings B.R.Mcdonald Dekker 1976
91 99.1.22 512.5.K1c1 Elementary linear algebra B.Kolman Macmillan 1970
92 99.1.22 512.55.S7c1 Algebres de Lie semi-simples complexes J.P.Serre Benjamin 1966
93 99.1.22 512.24.M1c1 Commutative Algebra H.Matsumura Benjamin 1970
94 99.1.22 512.24.A2c2 Introduction to commutative algebra Atiyah Addison-Wesley 1969
95 99.1.22 512.55.F2c3 Abelian Categories P.Freyd Harper & Row 1964
96 99.1.22 512.522.V1c3 Divisor theory in module categories W.V.Vasconcelos North-Holland 1974
97 99.1.22 512.74.C1c1 Algebraic Number Theory Cassels Thomson 1967
98 99.1.22 512.522.F1c2 Algebra: Rings, Modules and Categories I C.Faith Springer 1973
99 99.1.22 512.02.J10c1 Basic Algebra I Jacobson 탑출판사 1977
100 99.1.22 512.W3c2 Modern Algebra V.D.Waerden Ungar 1943
101 99.1.22 512.74.A4c1 Theory of algebraic numbers E.Artin Gottingen 1959
102 99.1.22 512.02.J4c1 Lectures in abstract algebra Jacobson Nostrand 1951
103 99.1.22 512.33.G1c5 Principles of algebraic geometry P.Griffiths Wiley 1978
104 99.1.22 S512.33.A1c1 Ramification theoretic methods in algeraic geometry S.Abhyankar Princeton U P 1959
105 99.1.22 512.02.C1c1 A Concrete introduction to higher algebra L.Childs Springer 1979
106 99.1.22 512.55.B9c1 Introduction aux groupes arithmetiques A.Borel Hermann 1969
107 99.1.22 512.4.B5c1 Groups, Rings, Modules D.Buchsbaum, M.Auslander Harper & Row 1974
108 99.1.22 512.4.M13c1 Algebraic Theory of Modular Systems F.S.Macaulay Cambridge 1916
109 99.1.22 512.W3c4 Modern Algebra V.D.Waerden Ungar 1953
110 99.1.22 512.H1c4 Topics in Algebra Herstein Blaisdell 1964
111 99.1.22 512.3.G1c1 Lectures on forms in many variables Greenberg Benjamin 1969
112 99.1.22 512.H1c5 Topics in Algebra Herstein Blaisdell 1964
113 99.1.22 512.W3c3 Modern Algebra V.D.Waerden Ungar 1943
114 99.1.22 511.3.K3c1 Theory of sets E.Kamke Dover 1950

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