신착도서 - 1999년 7월

서 명
저 자
1 99.7.1 510.At872 Fields Medalists' Lectures M.Atiyah, D.Iagolnitzer(ed) World Sci. 1997
2 99.7.1 S516.35.K81 PSPUM/62-1 Algebraic Geometry - Santa Cruz 1995 J.Kollar et al.(ed) AMS 1995
3 99.7.1 513.83.S814 The Topology of Fibre Bundles N.Steenrod Princeton U P 1951
4 99.7.1 539.754.T243 Gauge theories of weak interactions J.C.Taylor Cambridge U P 1976
5 99.7.1 514.23.K18 K-Theory: An Introduction M.Karoubi Springer-Verlag 1978
6 99.7.1 S516.36.B489 Integral Geometry, Radon Transforms and Complex Analysis C.A.Berenstein et al. Springer 1998
7 99.7.1 S512.89.S488 Lie Algebras and Lie Groups J.P.Serre Springer-Verlag 1992
8 99.7.1 S516.353.F974 Schubert Varieties and Degeneracy Loci W.Fulton, P.Pragacz Springer 1998
9 99.7.1 515.94.B419 Theorie der Funktionen Mehrerer Komplexer Veranderlichen H.Behnke, P.Thullen Springer 1970
10 99.7.1 515.352.Ar752 Ordinary Differential Equations V.I.Arnol'd Springer 1994
11 99.7.1 515.35.Ar759 Geometrical Methods in the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations, 2nd ed. V.I.Arnol'd Springer 1988
12 99.7.1 512.74.C814 Modular Forms and Fermat's Last Theorem G.Cornell et al.(ed) Springer 1997
13 99.7.1 530.143.G559 Quantum Physics, 2nd ed. J.Glimm, A.Jaffe Springer-Verlag 1987
14 99.7.1 S515.9.B655 Modern Methods in Complex Analysis T.Bloom et al.(ed) Princeton U P 1995
15 99.7.1 515.35.Ol52 Applications of Lie Groups to Differential Equations, 2nd ed. P.J.Olver Springer-Verlag 1993
16 99.7.1 516.362.K75 Transformation Groups in Differential Geometry S.Kobayashi Springer 1972
17 99.7.1 516.35.K81 Complex Algebraic Geometry J.Kollar(ed) AMS 1997
18 99.7.1 515.9.B941 Automorphic Forms and Representations D.Bump Cambridge U P 1996
19 99.7.1 530.15.M429 Mathematical Methods of Physics, 2nd ed. J.Mathews, R.I.Walker Addison-Wesley 1970
20 99.7.1 512.55.Or76 Algebraic and Analytic Methods in Representation Theory B.Orsted, H.Schlichtkrull Academic P 1996
21 99.7.1 516.373.J84 Riemannian Geometry and Geometric Analysis J.Jost Springer 1995
22 99.7.1 510.K64 v.2 Elementarmathematik vom Hoheren Standpunkte aus II F.Klein Springer-Verlag 1968
23 99.7.1 516.9.K64 Vorlesungen uber nicht-euklidische Geometrie F.Klein Springer-Verlag 1968
24 99.7.1 516.36.Op62 Differential Geometry and its applications J.Oprea Prentice Hall 1997
25 99.7.1 515.37.W424 Differential Forms: A Complement to Vector Calculus S.H.Weintraub Academic P 1996
26 99.7.1 516.36.C287 Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces M.P.Carmo Prentice Hall 1976
27 99.7.1 516.36.On58 Elementary Differential Geometry, 2nd ed. B.O'Neill Academic P 1997
28 99.7.1 510.28553.H448 Introduction to Maple A.Heck Springer-Verlag 1993
29 99.7.1 515.94.K89 Function Theory of Several Complx Variables, 2nd ed. S.G.Krantz Wadsworth & Brooks 1992
30 99.7.1 510.212.B573 Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, 29th ed. W.H.Beyer CRC 1991
31 99.7.1 516.353.M685 Geometry of Higher Dimensional Algebraic Varieties Y.Miyaoka, T.Peternell Birkhauser 1997
32 99.7.1 S515.983.P911 Elliptic Functions and Elliptic Integrals V.Prasolov, Y.Solovyev AMS 1997
33 99.7.1 512.74.L271 Fundamentals of Diophantine Geometry S.Lang Springer-Verlag 1983
34 99.7.1 514.224.Ad211 The Knot Book C.C.Adams Freeman 1994
35 99.7.1 516.35.H762 The Ball and Some Hilbert Problems R.P. Holzapfel Birhauser 1995
36 99.7.1 S516.35.An542 Complex analysis and geometry V.Ancona et al. (ed) Longman 1997
37 99.7.1 S514.23.K61 An Introduction to intersection homology theory F.Kirwan Longman Sci. & Tech. 1988
38 99.7.1 539.756.F488 QED The Strange Theory of Light and Matter R. P. Feynman Princeton U P 1988
39 99.7.2 537.P985 Electricity and Magnetism, 2nd ed. E.M.Purcell McGraw-Hill 1994
40 99.7.2 531.1133.C899 Waves F.S.Crawford, Jr. McGraw-Hill 1994
41 99.7.2 S514.74.D674 Integrable Systems and Quantum Groups R.Donagi et al. Springer 1995
42 99.7.2 S516.35.V254 Integrable Systems in the realm of Algebraic Geometry P.Vanhaecke Springer 1996
43 99.7.2 516.35.K81 Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties J.Kollar, S.Mori Cambridge U P 1998
44 99.7.2 S516.352.K96 Vector Bundles on Curves-New Directions S.Kumar et al. Springer 1996
45 99.7.2 516.09034.K81 Mathematics of the 19th Century A.N.Kolmogorov, A.P.Yushkevich Birkhauser 1996
46 99.7.2 516.35.S722 Lectures on Arakelov Geometry C.Soule et al. Cambridge U P 1994
47 99.7.2 512.55.K67 Cohomological Induction and Unitary Representations A.W.Knapp, D.A.Vogan Jr. Princeton U P 1995
48 99.7.2 510.28553.R315 The Maple Handbook D. Redfern Springer-Verlag 1994
49 99.7.8 510.8 En56m v.23 Algebraic Geoemtry I I.R.Shafarevich(ed) Springer-Verlag 1994
50 99.7.8 510.8 En56m v.35 Algebraic Geoemtry II I.R.Shafarevich(ed) Springer-Verlag 1996
51 99.7.8 510.8 En56m v.36 Algebraic Geoemtry III A.N.Parshin, I.R.Shafarevich(ed) Springer-Verlag 1998
52 99.7.8 510.8 En56m v.55 Algebraic Geoemtry IV A.N.Parshin, I.R.Shafarevich(ed) Springer-Verlag 1994
53 99.7.8 510.8 En56m v.47 Algebraic Geoemtry V A.N.Parshin, I.R.Shafarevich(ed) Springer-Verlag 1999
54 99.7.8 510.8 En56m v.1 Dynamical Systems I D.V.Anosov, V.I.Arnol'd(ed) Springer-Verlag 1988
55 99.7.8 510.8 En56m v.6 Dynamical Systems IV D.V.Anosov, V.I.Arnol'd(ed) Springer-Verlag 1993
56 99.7.8 510.8 En56m v.39 Dynamical Systems VIII D.V.Anosov, V.I.Arnol'd(ed) Springer-Verlag 1993
57 99.7.8 510.8 En56m v.28 Geometry I R.V.Gamkrelidze Springer-Verlag 1991
58 99.7.8 510.8 En56m v.29 Geometry II E.B.Vinberg (ed) Springer-Verlag 1993
59 99.7.8 전산도서 Programming with GNU Software Loukides Mike O'Reilly 1997
60 99.7.8 전산도서 PGP: Pretty Good Privacy S.Garfinkel O'Reilly 1995
61 99.7.8 전산도서 Photoshop 5 Web Magic M.Ninness New Riders 1998
62 99.7.8 전산도서 Java Swing R.Eckstein et al. O'Reilly 1998
63 99.7.8 전산도서 C++: the Core Language G.Satir, D.Brown O'Reilly 1995
64 99.7.8 전산도서 Practical C Programming 3/E S.Oualline O'Reilly 1997
65 99.7.8 전산도서 Practical C++ Programming S.Oualline O'Reilly 1995
66 99.7.8 전산도서 Javascript: the Definite Guide 3/E D.Flanagan O'Reilly 1998
67 99.7.8 전산도서 Essential Windows NT System Administration AE.Frisch O'Reilly 1998
68 99.7.8 전산도서 MFC Answer Book E.Kain Addison-Wesley 1998
69 99.7.8 전산도서 JDBC Database Access with Java 2/E G.Hamilton Addison-Wesley 1997
70 99.7.8 전산도서 Learning the Vi Editor 6/E L.Lamb, A.Robbins O'Reilly 1998
71 99.7.8 전산도서 Web Security and Commerce S.Garfinkel O'Reilly 1997
72 99.7.8 전산도서 Apache the Definitive Guide B.Laurie, P.Laurie O'Reilly 1999
73 99.7.8 전산도서 HTML the Definitive Guide C.Musciano, B.Kennedy O'Reilly 1998
74 99.7.8 전산도서 Java Tutorial Continued M.Campione Addison-Wesley 1999
75 99.7.8 전산도서 Zero Administration for Windows C.Zacker O'Reilly 1999
76 99.7.8 전산도서 Java Tutorial 2/E M.Campione Addison-Wesley 1998
77 99.7.8 전산도서 UNIX CD Bookshelf D.Gilly O'Reilly 1992
78 99.7.8 전산도서 LINUX in a Nutshell 2/E E.Siever O'Reilly 1999
79 99.7.8 전산도서 Web Design in a Nutshell J.Niederst O'Reilly 1999
80 99.7.8 전산도서 디지탈북 Visual C++ 6 곽준기 외 삼각형  
81 99.7.14 전산도서 Visual C++ Programming Bible Ver.6.x 이상엽 영진 1999
82 99.7.8 전산도서 Oracle Bible Ver.8.x 김종근 외 영진 1999
83 99.7.8 전산도서 세계제일 한글리눅스:레드햇 6.0 강신석 외 베스트북 1999
84 99.7.8 전산도서 시스템관리의 핵심 장훈 한빛 미디어 1998
85 99.7.8 전산도서 Inside Secrets SQL Byan K. Stehpens 외/정호철 역 삼각형 1998
86 99.7.8 전산도서 JAVA Power Reference D.Flanagan O'Reilly 1999
87 99.7.8 전산도서 WebMaster in a Nutshell S.Spainhour, V.Querica O'Reilly 1996
88 99.7.8 510.8 En56m v.20 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras I A.L.Onishchik (ed) Springer-Verlag 1993
89 99.7.8 510.8 En56m v.41 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras III A.L.Onishchik, E.B.Vinberg (ed) Springer-Verlag 1994
90 99.7.8 510.8 En56m v.59 Representation Theory and Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis II A.A.Kirillov(ed) Springer 1995
91 99.7.8 510.8 En56m v.11 Algebra I A.I.Kostrikin, I.R.Shafarevich (ed) Springer-Verlag 1990
92 99.7.8 510.8 En56m v.77 Algebra IX A.I.Kostrikin, I.R.Shafarevich (ed) Springer 1996
93 99.7.8 510.8 En56m v.38 Algebra V A.I.Kostrikin, I.R.Shafarevich (ed) Springer-Verlag 1994
94 99.7.8 510.8 En56m v.54 Several Complex Variables V G.M.Khenkin(ed) Springer-Verlag 1993
95 99.7.9 530.1 V287 Geometry of Quantum Theory V.S.Varadarajan Springer-Verlag 1985
96 99.7.9 516.35 C877 Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms, 2nd ed. D.Cox et al. Springer 1996
97 99.7.9 530.11 H392 The Nature of Space and Time S.Hawking, R.Penrose Princeton U P 1995
98 99.7.9 515.9 P751 Papers on Fuchsian Functions H.Poincare Springer-Verlag 1985
99 99.7.9 510 M278 Selected Papers of Yu. I. Manin Yu.I.Manin World Sci. 1996
100 99.7.9 516.3 M278 Gauge Field Theory and Complex Geometry, 2nd ed. Y.I.Manin Springer 1997
101 99.7.9 515.7242 H812 v.1 The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators I L.Hormander Springer-Verlag 1983
102 99.7.9 515.7242 H812 v.2 The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators II L.Hormander Springer-Verlag 1983
103 99.7.9 515.7242 H812 v.3 The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators III L.Hormander Springer-Verlag 1983
104 99.7.9 515.7242 H812 v.4 The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators IV L.Hormander Springer-Verlag 1983
105 99.7.9 512.74 H641 The Theory of Algebraic Number Fields D.Hilbert Springer 1998
106 99.7.9 510.8 G755 v.103 Complex Analysis S.Lang Springer 1993
107 99.7.9 510.8 Lnm v.208 Vector Bundles in Algebraic Geometry N.J.Hitchin et al. (ed) Cambridge U P 1995
108 99.7.9 510.8 Lnm v.20 Residues and Duality R.Harshorne Springer-Verlag 1966
109 99.7.9 510.8 G755 v.122 Theory of Complex Functions R.Remmert Springer-Verlag 1990
110 99.7.9 510.8 G755 v.89 Introduction to Algebraic and Abelian Functions, 2nd ed. S.Lang Springer-Verlag 1982
111 99.7.9 510.8 Lnm v.1594 Algebraic Cycles and Hodge Theory M.Green et al. Springer-Verlag 1994
112 99.7.9 510.8 Lnm v.1637 The Geometry of some special Arithmetic Quotients B.Hunt Springer 1996
113 99.7.9 512.75 C344 An Introduction to the Geometry of Numbers J.W.S.Cassels Springer 1997
114 99.7.9 512.7 H967 Lectures on Number Theory A.Hurwitz, N.Kritikos Springer-Verlag 1986
115 99.7.9 510.8 G755 v.84 A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory, 2nd ed. K.Ireland, M.Rosen Springer 1990
116 99.7.10 515.353.B722 Global Solutions of Nonlinear Schr-odinger Equations J.Bourgain AMS 1999
117 99.7.10 510.8 C767 v.231 Tel Aviv Topology Conference M.Farber et al.(ed) AMS 1999
118 99.7.10 510 En56 Encyclopedia of Mathematics on CD-ROM   Kluwer 1997
119 99.7.15 S515.93 M688 Foundations of p-adic Teichmuller Theory S.Mochizuki AMS 1999
120 99.7.19 510.8 G755 v.133 Algebraic Geometry J.Harris Springer-Verlag 1992
121 99.7.19 510.8 G755 v.172 Classical Topics in Complex Function Theory R.Remmert Springer 1997
122 99.7.19 510.8 En56m v.49 Number Theory I A.N.Parshin, I.R.Shafarevich(ed) Springer-Verlag 1995
123 99.7.19 510.8 En56m v.62 Number Theory II A.N.Parshin, I.R.Shafarevich(ed) Springer-Verlag 1992
124 99.7.19 510.8 Lnm v.567 Seminaire Bourbaki vol.1975/76 Exposes 471-488 A.Dold, B.Eckmann(ed) Springer-Verlag 1977
125 99.7.19 510.8 Lnm v.431 Seminaire Bourbaki vol.1973/74 Exposes 436-452 A.Dold, B.Eckmann(ed) Springer-Verlag 1975
126 99.7.19 510.8 G755 v.150 Commutative Algebra with a View Toward Algebraic Geometry D.Eisenbud Springer 1994
127 99.7.19 516.373 C287 Riemannian geometry M.P.Carmo Birkhauser 1992
128 99.7.19 516.9 G619 Complex Hyperbolic Geometry W.M.Goldman Oxford 1999
129 99.7.19 515.223 N218 Compact Riemann Surfaces R.Narasimhan Birkhauser 1992
130 99.7.19 423.1 S529 The Oxford Picture Dictionary: monolingual N.Shapiro, J. A.Goldstein Oxford U P 1998
131 99.7.19 510 P578 Proceedings of the 1995 Symposium September 23-24: Number Theory, Geometry and Related Topics J.W.Son, J.H.Yang(ed) Pyungsan Inst. Math. Sci. 1996
132 99.7.19 530 F435 v.1 The Feynman Lectures on Physics: commemorative issue, vol.I R.P.Feynman Addison-Wesley 1989
133 99.7.19 530 F435 v.2 The Feynman Lectures on Physics: commemorative issue, vol.II R.P.Feynman Addison-Wesley 1989
134 99.7.19 530 F435 v.3 The Feynman Lectures on Physics: commemorative issue, vol.III R.P.Feynman Addison-Wesley 1989
135 99.7.19 516.36 C879 Regular Complex Polytopes, 2nd ed. H.S.M.Coxeter Cambridge U P 1990
136 99.7.19 510 K64 v.1 Gesammelte Mathematische Abhandlungen, 1er Bd. F.Klein Springer-Verlag 1973
137 99.7.19 510 K64 v.2 Gesammelte Mathematische Abhandlungen, 2er Bd. F.Klein Springer-Verlag 1973
138 99.7.19 510 K64 v.3 Gesammelte Mathematische Abhandlungen, 3er Bd. F.Klein Springer-Verlag 1973
139 99.7.19 510 S488 v.1 CEUVRES-Collected Papers vol.I(1945-1959) J.P.Serre Springer-Verlag 1985
140 99.7.19 510 S488 v.2 CEUVRES-Collected Papers vol.II(1960-1971) J.P.Serre Springer-Verlag 1985
141 99.7.19 510 S488 v.3 CEUVRES-Collected Papers vol.III(1972-1984) J.P.Serre Springer-Verlag 1985
142 99.7.19 515 S464 v.1 Collected Papers, vol.I A.Selberg Springer-Verlag 1989
143 99.7.19 515 S464 v.2 Collected Papers, vol.II A.Selberg Springer-Verlag 1991
144 99.7.20 510 S571 v.1 Gesammelte Abhandlungen, Bd. I C.L.Siegel Springer-Verlag 1966
145 99.7.20 510 S571 v.2 Gesammelte Abhandlungen, Bd. II C.L.Siegel Springer-Verlag 1966
146 99.7.20 510 S571 v.3 Gesammelte Abhandlungen, Bd. III C.L.Siegel Springer-Verlag 1966
147 99.7.20 516.35 H672 v.1 Gesammelte Abhandlungen=Collected Papers, Bd. I(1951-1962) F.Hirzebruch Springer-Verlag 1987
148 99.7.20 516.35 H672 v.2 Gesammelte Abhandlungen=Collected Papers, Bd. II(1963-1987) F.Hirzebruch Springer-Verlag 1987
149 99.7.20 510 W548 v.1 Gesammelte Abhandlungen, Bd. I H.Weyl Springer-Verlag 1968
150 99.7.20 510 W548 v.2 Gesammelte Abhandlungen, Bd. II H.Weyl Springer-Verlag 1968
151 99.7.20 510 W548 v.3 Gesammelte Abhandlungen, Bd. III H.Weyl Springer-Verlag 1968
152 99.7.20 510 W548 v.4 Gesammelte Abhandlungen, Bd. IV H.Weyl Springer-Verlag 1968
153 99.7.20 510 Ah285 v.2 Lars Valerian Ahlfors: Collected Papers vol.2 1954-1979 R.M.Shortt(ed) Birkhauser 1982
154 99.7.20 510 R556 Gesammelte Mathematische Werke, Wissenschaftlicher Nachlass und Nachtrage: Collected Papers B.Riemann Springer-Verlag 1990
155 99.7.20 515.94 G744 v.1 Selected Papers vol.I H.Grauert Springer-Verlag 1994
156 99.7.20 515.94 G744 v.2 Selected Papers vol.II H.Grauert Springer-Verlag 1994
157 99.7.20 510 C322 v.1 CEUVRES- Collected Works, vol.I H.Cartan Springer-Verlag 1979
158 99.7.20 510 C322 v.2 CEUVRES- Collected Works, vol.II H.Cartan Springer-Verlag 1979
159 99.7.20 510 C322 v.3 CEUVRES- Collected Works, vol.III H.Cartan Springer-Verlag 1979
160 99.7.22 510.951 D13su 대한수학회사 대한수학회 대한수학회 1998
161 99.7.22 510.951 D13su c.2 대한수학회사 대한수학회 대한수학회 1998
162 99.7.22 510.951 D13su c.3 대한수학회사 대한수학회 대한수학회 1998
163 99.7.22 510.951 D13su c.4 대한수학회사 대한수학회 대한수학회 1998
164 99.7.22 510.951 D13su c.5 대한수학회사 대한수학회 대한수학회 1998
165 99.7.22 720.284 Y59d 건축 및 디자인의 기초 도학연구 이민섭 지문당 1999
166 99.7.22 720.284 Y59d c.2 건축 및 디자인의 기초 도학연구 이민섭 지문당 1999
167 99.7.22 720.284 Y59d c.3 건축 및 디자인의 기초 도학연구 이민섭 지문당 1999
168 99.7.25 515.782 F911 Introduction to the theory of Distributions, 2nd ed. F.G.Friedlander Cambridge U P 1998

* 주의 : 위 목록의 청구기호는 실제와 다를 수 있으므로 도서검색시 재확인하시기 바랍니다.