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강연자 이정욱
소속 창원대학교
date 2024-11-21


In this survey talk, we will explore a geography of Model Theory under the guidance of Classification Theory. First, we review basic first-order logic and several dividing lines developed in Classification Theory. Second, we will focus on Classification Theory for fields and examine some interactions between Field Arithmetic and dividing lines.

  1. 29Nov
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    Survey on a geography of model theory

  2. The lace expansion in the past, present and future

  3. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> 색과 그래프: 그래프 색칠 문제의 매력과 도전

  4. Regularity theory for nonlocal equations

  5. Homogeneous dynamics and its application to number theory

  6. On classification of long-term dynamics for some critical PDEs

  7. Structural stability of meandering-hyperbolic group actions

  8. Regularity for non-uniformly elliptic problems

  9. From mirror symmetry to enumerative geometry

  10. 2023-2 Differential Geometry (서동휘)

  11. 2023-2 Minimal Surface Theory (이재훈)

  12. 2023-2 Long-time Behavior of PDE (임덕우)

  13. 2023-2 Mathematical Fluid Dynamics (김준하)

  14. Universality of log-correlated fields

  15. 20Nov

    Maximal averages in harmonic analysis

  16. 2023-2 Generative Model(최재웅)

  17. 2023-2 Optimization Theory (박지선)

  18. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> 양자상태의 기하학

  19. Class field theory for 3-dimensional foliated dynamical systems

  20. Satellite operators on knot concordance

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