Abstract: The mini-course is an introductory and self-contained approach to the method of intrinsic scaling, aiming at bringing to light what is really essential in this powerful tool in the analysis of degenerate and singular equations. The theory is presented from scratch for the simplest model case of the degenerate p-Laplace equation, leaving aside
technical renements needed to deal with more general situations. A striking feature of the method is its pervasiveness in terms of the applications and I hope to convince the audience of its strength as a systematic approach to regularity for an important and relevant class of nonlinear partial dierential equations. I will extensively follow my book
14 , with complements and extensions from a variety of sources (listed in the references), mainly

10/16()09:00 11:00 Lecture I.
An impressionist history lesson: from Hilbert's 19th problem to DeGiorgi-Nash-Moser theory; the quasilinear case { contributions from the Russian school; enters DiBenedetto { the method of intrinsic scaling.

10/17()09:00- 11:00 Lecture II.
The building blocks of the theory: local energy and logarithmic estimates. The geometric setting and an alternative.

10/19()09:00 -11:00 Lecture III.
The rst alternative: getting started; expansion in time and the role of the logarithmic estimates; reduction of the oscillation.

10/22()09:00 -11:00 Lecture IV.
Towards the Holder continuity: the second alternative; the recursive argument.

10/23()09:00 -11:00 Lecture V.
The singular case and further generalisations: immiscible uids and chemotaxis; phase transitions.
Oct 22, 2019  16:00-17:00  Well-posedness issues of some dispersive equations under the periodic boundary condition file 곽철광  27-116 
Oct 22, 2019  17:00-18:00  Sharp resolvent estimates for the Lam´e operator and failure of Carleman estimates file 권예현  27-116 
Oct 28, 2019  13:00-15:00  ynamics on PGL_2 over a field over Laurent series 권상훈  27-116 
Nov 11, 2019  11:00-12:30  Hausdorff dimension of divergent trajectories on product spaces Ronggang Shi  27-116 
Dec 04, 2019  09:00-13:00  HYKE Intensive Lectures on Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems of Balance Laws and State file Tommaso Ruggeri / Masaru Sugiyama  27-116 
Nov 12, 2019  17:00-18:00  Strongly stratified limit for the 3D inviscid Boussinesq equations Ryo Takada  27-116 
Nov 26, 2019  16:00-17:00  A sharp square function estimate for the cone in R^3 고혜림  27-116 
Nov 26, 2019  17:.00-18:00  Uniform resolvent estimate on the torus 권예현  27-116 
Dec 20, 2019  14:00-17:00  The Well-posedness of Backward Stochastic Differential Equation: History and Recent Developments I 남기훈  27-116 
Jan 02, 2020  9:00-10:00  Dynamics and control for multi-agent networked systems: A finite-difference approach 고동남  27-116 
Dec 23, 2019  14:00-15:00  A frictional thermoviscoelastic nonlinear beam problem Jeongho Ahn  27-116 
Dec 23, 2019  15:00-16:00  Uniform L^{infty}, Lipschitz and C^{1,alpha} estimates for quasilinear parabolic equations Karthik Adimurthi  27-116 
Dec 31, 2019  17:00-18:00  EFFECTIVE EQUIDISTRIBUTION LIFTING 김우연  27-116 
Dec 31, 2019  16:00-17:00  The family of Julia sets with Ahlfors regular conformal dimension 1 박인성  27-116 
Jan 14, 2020  10:30-11:30  Derivation principle of BGK models Stephane Brull  27-116 
Feb 26, 2021  16:30-17:30  A note on the pricing of diverse options using mathematical techniques 윤지훈  27-116 
Jul 13, 2021  10:00-12:00  Data-driven learning of the G-limits in homogenization problems 박준서  27-116 
Jun 23, 2023  16:00-17:00  Singular integrals along variable codimension one subspaces Luz Roncal  27-116 
May 27, 2021  17:00-18:00  Robustness of deep neural networks to adversarial attack: from heuristic methods to certified methods 이성윤  27-116 
Jun 11, 2021  14:30-15:30  The pentagonal theorem of sixty-three and generalizations of Cauchy's lemma 주장원  27-116