Dec 16, 2022  14:00-15:00  Dynamical invariants and measures on metric graphs and Applications in medical science 박재민  27-220 
Dec 15, 2022  10:00-11:00  Diophantine approximation, Continued fractions, and Dynamical spectrums 심덕원  27-220 
Dec 15, 2022  17:00-18:00  금융이 수학이 될 때, 수학이 금융이 될 때 강병국  27-325 
Dec 13, 2022  16:30-17:30  Superconformal Structures of Supersymmetric Free Fermion Vertex Algebras 윤상원  129-406 
Dec 09, 2022  10:00-18:00  < QSMS-BK21 Symplectic Geometry Seminar > Introduction to Floer Homotopy: Formal Groups and Complex Cobordism 김용환  27-317 
Dec 07, 2022  15:30-16:30  Universal Approximation in Deep Learning 황건호  27-220 
Dec 07, 2022  16:00-18:00  Quantitative mean ergodic inequalities: power bounded operators acting on one noncommutative Lp space Bang Xu  129-406 
Dec 06, 2022  16:00-17:00  Pointwise convergence of the Bochner-Riesz means for the special Hermite expansion 정은희  27-220 
Dec 06, 2022  17:00-18:00  Trilinear smoothing inequality and its applications Kalachand Shuin  27-220 
Dec 05, 2022  13:30-14:30  A generalization of Lagrange's four-square Theorem 김경민  27-325 
Dec 03, 2022  14:00-15:00  A relationship between finite difference operators and mean oscillation operators 윤영훈  27-325 
Dec 02, 2022  16:00-17:00  Reinforcement Hedging 이기섭  27-325 
Dec 02, 2022  10:00-11:00  Torsion points and concurrent exceptional curves on del Pezzo surfaces of degree one Julie Desjardins  선택 
Dec 02, 2022  16:00-17:00  Reinforcement Hedging 이기섭  27-325 
Dec 02, 2022  15:00-16:00  Regularity theory for local and nonlocal measure data problems 송경  27-220 
Dec 02, 2022  16:00-17:00  Nonlocal elliptic equations with Orlicz growth 김효진  27-220 
Dec 02, 2022  15:00-17:00  N=2 supersymmetric W algebras from Hamiltonian reduction Eric Ragoucy  27-116 
Dec 02, 2022  13:00-15:00  Equidistribution theorems and their application to Oppenheim conjecture-typed problems 한지영  129-309 
Dec 01, 2022  16:00-17:30  Groups acting on the circle with invariant veering pairs 정홍택  129-301 
Nov 29, 2022  17:00-18:00  Discrete double Hilbert transform along polynomials 송호영  27-116