2019-09-18  16:00-17:30  Indecomposable exposed positive multi-linear maps and applications to quantum information theory 계승혁  129-301 
2019-11-13  16:00-17:30  Centrally free actions of amenable C*-tensor categories on von Neumann algebras Reiji Tomatsu  129-301 
2019-10-30  16:00-17:30  ntroduction to Thompson's groups 허재성  129-301 
2019-11-06  16:00-17:30  The Beurling-Lax-Halmos Theorem for infinite multiplicity (I) file 이우영  129-301 
2019-11-21  16:00-17:30  Bayesian inverse homogenization Viet Ha Hoang  129-310 
2019-11-27  16:00-17:30  UCT for discrete quantum groups Yuki Arano  129-301 
2019-12-30  16:00-17:30  From Quantum Field Theory To Geometric Representation Theory 유필상  129-406 
2021-05-26  16:00-17:30  Approximation numbers, entropy numbers and their applications to noncommutative tori 이기현  선택 
2021-09-06  16:00-17:30  Local regularity conditions on initial data for local energy solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations MIURA, Hideyuki  선택 
2021-10-06  16:00-17:30  창작을 위한 인공지능 오디오(Intelligent Audio for Creativity) 이교구  129-104 
2022-03-17  16:00-17:30  Small scale formations in the incompressible porous media equation Yao Yao  선택 
2022-05-30  16:00-17:30  Counting surfaces on Calabi-Yau 4-folds: Reduced virtual cycles Martijn Kool  27-325 
2022-05-16  16:00-17:30  Reduction of stabilizers and generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants Michail Savvas  27-325 
2022-05-23  16:00-17:30  Counting surfaces on Calabi-Yau 4-folds: Reduced virtual cycles Martijn Kool  27-325 
2022-12-01  16:00-17:30  Groups acting on the circle with invariant veering pairs 정홍택  129-301 
2023-01-16  16:00-17:30  Analysis on quantum tori and applications to noncommutative geometry Quanhua Xu  129-301 
2023-01-17  16:00-17:30  Analysis on quantum tori and applications to noncommutative geometry Quanhua Xu  129-301 
2023-05-03  16:00-17:30  Super duality for quantum affine superalgebras of type A 이신명  129-406 
2023-07-04  16:00-17:30  L^2 -estimates on variation of Hodge structures and degeneration of Hodge structures 김현석  129-301 
2023-10-17  16:00-17:30  New approaches to discovering symplectic non-convexity Jun Zhang  129-406