2015-12-16  14:00-15:00  L-function, Euler to Langlands 최영주  27-220 
2016-01-29  15:30-16:30  삼성 생산기술연구소 소개 및 수학의 필요성 박상봉  27-220 
2016-02-12  14:00-15:00  HYKE Lecture Series on Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics Tommaso Ruggeri  27-220 
2016-02-15  15:00-17:00  HYKE Lecture Series on Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics Tommaso Ruggeri  27-220 
2016-02-12  15:00-17:00  HYKE Lecture Series on Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics Masaru Sugiyama  27-220 
2016-02-15  14:00-15:00  HYKE Lecture Series on Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics Masaru Sugiyama  27-220 
2016-06-15  16:00-17:00  Variational Mean Field Games Filippo Santambrogio  27-220 
2016-07-18  11:00-12:00  Modeling biology with simple geometric objects: Application to therapeutic effect on cancer cell mechanics Myles Kim  27-220 
2017-12-04  10:45-12:15  해석학특강 학기말 조별 발표   27-220 
2016-11-08  16:00-17:00  Introduction to Schubert calculus and its affine version 이승진  27-220 
2016-11-10  16:00-17:00  Large Deviation Theory and Its Applications 서인석  27-220 
2016-11-09  16:00-17:00  From classical mechanics to symplectic geometry 강정수  27-220 
2016-11-14  16:00-17:00  Financial Mathematics, Old and New 박형빈  27-220 
2016-11-15  16:00-17:00  Introduction to graph decomposition 김재훈  27-220 
2017-04-27  13:00-14:00  Hamiltonian chains with dissipation Jean-Pierre Eckmann  27-220 
2017-04-27  14:00-15:00  Martin Hairer and KPZ, The Fields Medal from a physicist's point of view Jean-Pierre Eckmann  27-220 
2017-04-18  16:30-18:00  Normality and finite state machines Olivier Carton  27-220 
2017-04-28  16:00-18:00  Specht modules for quiver Hecke algebras of type C file 박의용  27-220 
2017-07-14  16:00-17:00  On the relationship between structure in the data and what deep learning can learn Raja Giryes  27-220 
2017-12-06  10:45-12:15  해석학특강 학기말 조별 발표   27-220