2023-12-12  16:00-17:00  수학을 포기하지 않는 자를 만들기 위한 대학 수학 교육 서인석  129-101 
2024-04-16  16:40-17:10  Introduction to model theoretic Classification Theory 이효윤  129-101 
2024-04-16  16:00-16:30  Defining smallness and independence in arbitrary mathematical structures from a model-theoretic perspective. 김준희  129-101 
2024-05-09  16:40-17:10  Metastablility of stochastic interacting systems in low temperature 김선우  129-101 
2024-05-09  16:00-16:30  Multiscale method in cluster expansion 박지운  129-101 
2024-06-04  16:00-16:30  When finite fields meet combinatorics 유세민  129-101 
2024-06-04  16:40-17:10  What are W-algebras? 송아림  129-101