2023-04-14  16:00-17:00  Some results on the blow-up solutions of the fast diffusion equation Kin Ming Hui  129-104 
2023-05-12  15:00-16:00  Shrinking targets on translation surfaces Josh Southerland  129-104 
2023-05-12  16:00-17:00  Computation of the Kontsevich--Zorich cocycle over the Teichmueller flow Dami Lee  129-104 
2023-05-26  10:00-17:00  1. Product structures on the relative symplectic cohomology / 2. Symplectic homology of affine varieties 1. 이원준 / 2. 배중현  129-104 
2023-06-05  14:30-16:30  Surgery along nullhomologous tori and Lagrangian tori 윤기헌  129-104 
2023-08-21  14:00-17:00  Gromov-Witten invariants and mirror symmetry 오정석  129-104 
2023-08-22  14:00-17:00  Gromov-Witten invariants and mirror symmetry 오정석  129-104 
2023-08-23  14:00-17:00  Gromov-Witten invariants and mirror symmetry 오정석  129-104 
2023-08-14  15:00-18:00  KAM theory in active scalar equations I Jaemin Park  129-104 
2023-08-16  15:00-18:00  KAM theory in active scalar equations, II Jaemin Park  129-104 
2023-08-11  16:00-18:00  Spectral numbers in Tate Rabinowitz Floer Homology 1 Urs Frauenfelder  129-104 
2023-08-17  16:00-18:00  Spectral numbers in Tate Rabinowitz Floer Homology 2 Urs Frauenfelder  129-104 
2023-08-14  13:00-15:00  A uniform bound for solutions to a thermo-diffusive system 라준현  129-104 
2023-08-17  14:30-16:00  Symplectic Torelli classes of positive entropy 김준태  129-104 
2023-08-25  15:00-17:00  On the prime Selmer ranks of cyclic prime twist families of elliptic curves over global function fields 박선우  129-104 
2023-11-14  15:00-16:00  Extreme value theorem of continued fractions and geodesic flows 이슬비  129-104 
2023-12-11  17:00-18:00  Probabilistic discrete operators on $mathbb{Z}^d$ Daesung Kim  129-104 
2023-12-08  09:00-18:00  2023 Mini Workshop on Nonlinear PDEs from Fluid Mechanics Milton Lopes Filho 외  129-104 
2024-03-29  15:00-16:00  Quantum Grothendieck rings of Hernandez-Leclerc Categories 박의용  129-104 
2024-05-10  14:00-15:30  Tate Homology and Equivariant Rabinowitz Floer Homology Kevin Ruck  129-104