2024-12-20  17:00-18:30  Exceptional sets for spinor regular ternary quadratic forms 김경민  27-325 
2014-03-26  16:00-17:00  Log canonical thresholds of complete intersection log del Pezzo surfaces 김인균  27-317 
2014-04-16  16:00-17:00  Economic resolutions and G-constellations 정승조  27-317 
2014-05-07  16:00-17:00  Deformations of compact holomorphic Poisson manifolds 김정훈  27-317 
2014-11-28  11:00-12:00  Koszul-Tate resolution for Batalin-Vikovisky algebras 이동건  27-317 
2019-07-09  14:00-17:00  Introduction to XVA and BSDEs, Funding Value Adjustment file Stephan Sturm  27-317 
2019-07-11  14:00-17:00  Repo markets, credit risk, BSDEs with terminal jumps and projection of BSDEs file Stephan Sturm  27-317 
2021-02-02  12:00-13:00  Measure changes for jump processes and derivative pricing 안신미  27-317 
2022-07-14  16:00-18:00  Renormalization of Dynamical Systems Jonguk Yang  27-317 
2023-04-21  14:00-15:00  Selberg's central limit theorem of L -functions near the critical line 이윤복  27-317 
2022-11-04  10:00-18:00  <QSMS-BK21 Symplectic Geometry Seminar> Introduction to Floer Homotopy: Kuranishi Structures 김용환  27-317 
2022-12-09  10:00-18:00  < QSMS-BK21 Symplectic Geometry Seminar > Introduction to Floer Homotopy: Formal Groups and Complex Cobordism 김용환  27-317 
2023-01-27  14:00-17:00  Localization in Floer theory and its applications 김준태  27-317 
2024-04-24  16:00-17:00  Well-posedness of mildly dissipative perturbations of a family of active scalar equations Vincent Martinez  27-317 
2024-12-30  10:30-11:30  Hodge symmetries of singular varieties 박성기  27-317 
2014-04-30  16:00-17:00  Non-factorial quartic double solids 홍규식  27-221 
2014-02-05  16:00  On weighted $L^2$ estimates for solutions of the wave equation file 고영우  27-220 
2014-03-11  16:30-17:30  Weight modules of algebras of twisted differential operators on the projective space Dimitar Grantcharov  27-220 
2015-07-29  16:00-17:00  Dynamical bifurcation and final patterns for fourth order phase transition equations 한종민  27-220 
2014-03-26  19:00-20:00  수학의 본질 '數(수)' 김민형  27-220