2022-12-05  13:30-14:30  A generalization of Lagrange's four-square Theorem 김경민  27-325 
2024-06-25  13:30-14:30  Pressure metrics on deformation spaces of dynamical systems 박인성  27-116 
2021-11-26  13:30-14:00  Emergent behaviors of Lohe hermitian sphere particles under time-delayed interactions 황규영  27-220 
2020-06-03  13:00-19:00  Coupling between the flocking models and incompressible fluids. 배형옥  129-307 
2015-01-26  13:00-18:00  Short introduction to Riemannian geometry and eigenvalues of the Laplacian Hyunsuk Kang  129-301 
2015-01-28  13:00-18:00  Short introduction to Riemannian geometry and eigenvalues of the Laplacian Hyunsuk Kang  129-301 
2023-04-28  13:00-18:00  PGL(2,Q_p)-ORBIT CLOSURES ON A p-ADIC HOMOGENEOUS SPACE OF INFINITE VOLUME 정진호, 김성호  27-325 
2015-11-05  13:00-17:00  Introduction to deal.II Wolfgang Bangerth  선택 
2017-12-29  13:00-17:00  A Series of Invited Talks 김유찬외 3인  27-325 
2015-03-27  13:00-15:00  Analysis of pseudoholomorphic curves III, IV 오용근  129-301 
2015-10-23  13:00-15:00  Quantum Information THeory Basics 1 지동표  129-301 
2017-04-27  13:00-15:00  Information Asymmetry in Mathematical Finance Lee, Kiseop  129-104 
2017-06-16  13:00-15:00  Square Root Problems for bounded operators Jasang Yoon  27-116 
2019-10-28  13:00-15:00  ynamics on PGL_2 over a field over Laurent series 권상훈  27-116 
2022-02-14  13:00-15:00  병리학적 진단기법 개론 정진행  27-220 
2022-03-29  13:00-15:00  양자 과학기술 응용을 위한 전자파와 통신의 기초(5) 주창현  선택 
2022-09-23  13:00-15:00  Entropy rigidity and its applications to Diophantine approximation 김태형  129-309 
2022-11-18  13:00-15:00  Regularity properties of Brjuno functions associated with classical continued fractions 이슬비  129-309 
2022-11-18  13:00-15:00  Regularity properties of Brjuno functions associated with classical continued fractions 이슬비  129-309 
2022-12-02  13:00-15:00  Equidistribution theorems and their application to Oppenheim conjecture-typed problems 한지영  129-309