2023-04-14  15:00-16:00  From De Giorgi's minimizing movements to gradient flows 권도현  27-325 
2023-04-14  16:00-17:00  Homological interpretation of Hecke L--values over real quadratic fields Jaesung Kwon  27-325 
2023-04-21  18:00-20:00  Lifting problem for universal quadratic forms over totally real cubic number fields 김대준  27-325 
2023-04-28  13:00-18:00  PGL(2,Q_p)-ORBIT CLOSURES ON A p-ADIC HOMOGENEOUS SPACE OF INFINITE VOLUME 정진호, 김성호  27-325 
2023-06-02  16:00-17:00  A refined Tamagawa number conjecture for modular forms 김찬호  27-325 
2023-06-01  10:00-11:30  On well-posedness of singular vortex patches 조민준  27-325 
2023-05-25  15:00-16:00  Recent topics for the regularity of local and nonlocal elliptic equations 이호식  27-325 
2023-05-25  16:00-17:00  Global maximal regularity for equations with variable exponents and degenerate weights in nonsmooth domains Rui Yang  27-325 
2023-06-26  16:00-18:00  Game-theoretic interpretations of partial differential equations 한정민  27-325 
2023-07-27  10:30-14:30  Singularities 집중강연 윤영호  27-325 
2023-07-28  14:00-17:00  Systems of Conservation Laws and Stability of BV and Large L^2 Data Solutions Sam Krupa  27-325 
2023-08-08  16:30-17:30  Dynamic frictionless contact of a beam–rod system Jeongho Ahn  27-325 
2023-08-10  16:00-17:00  Analytic approach to the double-phase systems 김원태  27-325 
2023-08-17  15:00-16:00  Calderon-Zygmund estimates for the fractional p-Laplacian Lars Diening  27-325 
2023-08-17  16:00-17:00  Lavrentiev gap for nonlocal and mixed double-phase problems Anna Kh.Balci  27-325 
2023-08-17  17:00-18:00  Lavrentiev gap for nonlocal and mixed double-phase problems Anna Kh.Balci  27-325 
2023-08-14  16:00-18:00  Everywhere and partial regularity for parabolic systems with general growth file 옥지훈  27-325 
2023-09-15  15:00-17:00  Lp estimates for nonlinear double obstacle problems 유승진  27-325 
2023-09-21  15:00-16:30  Liouville problems in the Fluid Mechanics 채동호  27-325 
2023-10-05  15:00-16:00  Sup-norm Estimates for Cauchy-Riemann Operator and Corona Problem Song-Ying Li  27-325